Hi and welcome to Little Miss Autoimmune. My name is Helen, and I'm an author and creative writing tutor from New Zealand. I live with a number of different illnesses which is what this blog is mostly about. I promise not to do too much shameless self promotion on here, but if you would like to know more about my books or my classes I'd love you to have a look.
I started this blog when I first heard the word "Autoimmune" and realised there was a connection between all the different weird diseases I had. You can see the list of my current diagnoses here
I've been blogging about my journey with these diseases ever since. Sometimes I'm a bit slack about it and there are long gaps between posts, but I try to update regularly.
Nothing I say on here should be taken as medical advice. I'm not a medical professional, just a patient muddling my way through. If you'd like to leave me a comment or question feel free to do so. I'll do my best to answer, or maybe point you in the direction of a site that I've found helpful.
Thanks for reading
Little Miss Autoimmune